
WW3 Survival Guide to Nuclear War and Fallout

‍Nuclear war and the fear of nuclear attack have been on people’s minds of late since the beginning of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and growing tensions between China and Taiwan.

With tensions between eastern nuclear powers such as Russia, China and North Korea and the western powers such as NATO and the United States continuing to escalate, many are wondering what they would do in the event of a nuclear attack.

If you live in an area that is at risk of a possible nuclear strike, it’s important to have a plan of action in place. This article covers everything you need to know about surviving a nuclear attack or nuclear fallout. Learn about common nuclear strike red alerts, the risks different cities pose, how to build an emergency kit with supplies for seven days, and more!

Can you survive a Nuclear War? Maybe, you can but it won’t be easy.


  • What to do in case of a nuclear strike
  • How to survive radioactive fallout
  • Basics to have in your emergency kit
  • Strategies for surviving and recovering from a nuclear attack
  • Preparations you can make before a nuclear war
  • Basic Nuclear Weapons and Fallout Facts
  • Locations with the highest risk of a nuclear attack
  • Prepare for the inevitable
  • Conclusion
  • References and links

What to do in case of a nuclear strike

In the event of a nuclear strike, the first 72 hours will be crucial to surviving the aftermath. There are certain steps you can take to maximize the likelihood of surviving a nuclear attack. If you live in an area at risk of being hit by a nuclear strike, here are the things you should do if a nuclear attack warning is issued:

1. Duck and take cover. Do not look into the blast or fireball, this will cause temporary or permanent blindness. A nuclear attack is similar to having multiple extremely severe natural disasters hitting you all at once. It’s similar to getting hit by an earthquake, a hurricane/a typhoon/storm or a radioactive volcanic eruption. Take cover under the table in case your building collapses.
(Images below are 1950-60s cold war era)

2. Stay inside or Get inside – Stay indoors for a few hours/days after the attack. The radioactive particles are more likely to settle on the outside of buildings, so it’s safer to stay inside. You need to put yourself in as much distance and material between radioactive fallout and yourself. Go to your basement or if you don’t have a basement go towards the lowest level and centre of your house.

If you are caught outside when ash begins to fall like a volcanic eruption then you are getting contaminated with highly radioactive fallout. Make sure you take cover indoors immediately and find anything to cover your nose and mouth and eyes and hair to prevent further radiation sickness. When you are inside make sure to decontaminate by removing contaminated clothes and by taking a shower with clean water, do not use hair conditioner as that can make radioactive particles stick to your hair for longer. See CDC’s recommendations on nuclear emergencies in the references below.

3. Close windows and doors – When a bomb explodes, it releases radioactive particles into the air.

The wind can carry these particles and deposit them on nearby buildings and people. Close windows and doors to prevent these particles from getting inside.

You have roughly 10-30 minutes before fallout reaches your area depending on how far you are to ground zero of the blast and current weather, wind direction and speed at which it will blow and carry fallout particles in the area.

If you have time seal your doors and windows, exhaust fans, other air systems that take air from the outside such as evaporative cooling and any vents that can allow external radioactive dust to come into your house. If you have time you can also cover your rainwater tank to prevent contamination of your existing water supplies.

The amount of fallout will also depend on whether the nuclear attack was an air burst where the nuclear weapon was detonated at a higher altitude to maximize initial blast casualties or if it was denoted on ground level with fewer initial casualties but more long-term casualties due to fallout and radiation sickness.

4. Get PPE (personal protective equipment) & a radiation meter/ Geiger counter and your bugout bag/ emergency kit.

Wear a gas mask – To protect yourself against the harmful effects of radiation, wear a gas mask. If you have a hazmat suit you better put that on.
If you have a radiation meter, check the reading. If it’s lethal, plan to get out of there immediately and find an area with lower levels of radiation.

These important life-supporting equipment should be in your bugout bag/emergency kit or car at all times during these times of high-risk nuclear threats.

5. Decontaminate if necessary to prevent further contamination after fallout starts to fall into your shelter, and stop others from entering your home until you have a way to clean or decontaminate them outside, even if they say they need help they are most likely contaminated with radiation which will get you sick too. People may be trying to gain access to your home to get away from the radiation outside but you should do your best to help them out, just imagine if you got caught outside in a nuclear event and you needed to seek shelter in someone else’s home. Have a way to isolate them or quarantine them in another area as you do not want to be near them if they are radioactive. Be also prepared for violence if they try to force their way in.
Don’t be too paranoid, there are still good people out there. Just be careful with strangers. You may want to help out and build good relations with neighbours and people around you because during a nuclear war, it’s possible your country can get invaded by an enemy state and the stranger you help may become your ally in the upcoming battles.

Municipal (tap) water sources might be debased during a radiation crisis.
Assuming the tap water is tainted, general health authorities might suggest that you drink bottled water rather than tap water.
You can in any case utilize tap water for decontamination. Any radioactive material that gets into surface water or groundwater sources will be weakened to exceptionally low levels by the water and will be safe to use for washing skin, hair, and attire.

You can use soap and shampoo but do not scrub your skin too hard to introduce contamination internally and do not use conditioners as that can cause radioactive particles to stick to your hair.

See strategies for surviving and recovering from a nuclear attack and the reference link to the CDC’s website on radiation emergencies for more information.

Stay away from windows, as they are more vulnerable to breakage or leakage due to the force of the blast and contamination and leakage. If you can seal your windows then do so immediately.

How to survive radioactive fallout

Similar to a volcanic eruption, Ash will begin to fall like snow. This ash is called fallout. Normal volcanic ash while less dangerous is still very toxic and damaging to human lungs, just imagine radioactive ash.

(Below are images of damage from a volcanic eruption and ash fall from the recent Taal 2020 Volcano eruption)

Avoid direct contact with radioactive fallout, don’t breathe it in, and don’t touch it. Wear PPE, Gas Mask, Rubber boots, and a Hazmat suit. Seal your house windows and vents.

Keep your distance from radioactive fallout. Go to your bunker if you have one or the basement or inner parts of your building. Keep as much distance from the fallout falling outside from yourself.

House diagram and radiation shielding

The most important thing to remember in this situation is that time is on your side. The radioactivity of the fallout will gradually decrease over time, allowing you to safely leave your shelter and travel to a safer location. The most important thing to remember when trying to survive radioactive fallout is to keep your head on straight.

Don’t panic, and resist the urge to run out of your building too quickly. Don’t leave your house unnecessarily, even if you have a few loved ones and family outside. They may already be sheltering in place so don’t put yourself into direct contact with the fallout. Building materials like concrete and brick tend to block some types of radiation. Be sure to stay away from wooden buildings and materials that don’t offer much protection against radiation. When it comes to food and water, you have a couple of options. If you have sealed water bottles, you can leave them unopened for a little while. If you have canned food, you can leave it unopened for up to 24 hours. It’s best to leave these items in their original containers, as the radiation will likely be absorbed by the cardboard or plastic.

Bugging in (Sheltering in place) vs Bugging out( to a Fallout Shelter)

Government guidelines (from different nations) say you ought to take prompt shelter in anything satisfactory shelter is close by – regardless of whether the shelter gives the best security. A “satisfactory” shelter would be a shallow cellar, the highest level of a place of business, or one more design with a Protective Factor (PF) of no less than 10.

The thinking is this: it is smarter to remain in a satisfactory shelter than risk going out into the radioactive fallout, to say the least.

Recollect that streets get hindered, and traffic gets crazy during crises. Regardless of whether the fallout shelter is just a “short” drive away, you probably won’t make it in time.

It would be ideal for you to possibly empty on the off chance that your ongoing shelter is totally lacking, for example, a mobile/motor home or a wood home without a cellar. In these circumstances, it very well may merit the transient openness for the drawn-out security of a superior fallout shelter.

how rapidly do you really want to get to a fallout shelter
As you can see from the graph above, risking any measure of time outside in the initial 30 minutes after an impact could make a deadly portion of radiation. Assuming that you have satisfactory shelter, waiting is better. Since radiation decays quickly, the potential for radiation openness diminishes 55% an hour after the blast and 80% following 24 hours.

Basics to have in your emergency kit

If there is a chance of a nuclear attack in your city, you should make sure you have an emergency kit prepared with the essentials. It’s best to have an emergency kit prepared for any type of disaster, but it is especially important in the event of a nuclear attack.

Medication/Potassium Iodine Tablets/Radiation Meds – Make sure you have enough medication to last a couple of weeks, also include purchasing potassium iodine tablets to protect your thyroid from absorbing radioactive iodine created from the nuclear fallout. Remember to consult with a health professional before taking any kind of supplements or medication.

Usually, the recommended dosage for KI(potassium iodine) during a nuclear emergency is 130mg (milligram) by the CDC(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) and US Military.

See the CDC’s potassium iodine link in the references below for more information about dosage.

Spare clothes and shoes – to keep you warm and suitable for your climate. Clothes can also get contaminated so you will need a few spares.

First aid kit – Your first aid kit should contain pain relievers, bandages, and other medications that will help with symptoms of radiation exposure.

Food and water – You should have at least 3 weeks’ worth of food and water for each person in your household. Also, have at least a portable water filter that is capable of filtering and purifying potentially contaminated water if you run out. As a prepper, I would generally aim to have at least 3 months minimum of all necessities to support life (Medications, Food, Water & Air etc).
Remember water is more important than food, you can turn water into food via farming/gardening but you cannot turn food into water. You can fast for a few days without food but you cannot fast without water.

Consider getting water filters so you have the option to purify or clean contaminated water if your clean water supply runs out or your municipal water gets contaminated.

Rule of 3s – 3 minutes without air, 3 days without water, 3 weeks without food. Is the time you have before your body shuts down without these important life-supporting necessities.

Sanitation and hygiene products – Make sure you have plenty of hand sanitiser, disinfectant, and other hygiene products.

Communication – Make sure you have another way to communicate with your important contacts or family. You should consider getting solar-cranked AM/FM radio to listen for important announcements, HAM radio or walkie-talkies. Have these important electronics stored in a totally enclosed ferromagnetic metal box/ container (also known as a faraday cage) because a nuclear detonation also releases large amounts of EMP(electromagnetic pulse) which damages sensitive electronics.

Cash – Keep a small amount of cash on hand, as many electronic forms of payment may not be usable after a nuclear attack. Other fairly liquid assets such as gold and silver or tradable/ barter items.

PPE(personal protective equipment) and radiation meter/ Geiger counter – To protect yourself from direct contact with radioactive fallout.

  • This includes a full-face CBRN-rated gas mask and PPE Gear.
    Or at least P2/N95 masks which at least you should have by now from the CoronaVirus / COVID19 Pandemic and some eye goggles/protection to protect your eyes and also your lungs from breathing in radioactive fallout.
  • Hazmat suit
    Or at least a raincoat to protect your clothes from getting contaminated
  • Gloves
  • Gumboots or totally enclosed shoes, and also some spare shoes.

Have a look at a few of the products below from Amazon if you are interested

Trauma Bag 250-pcs First Aid Supplies
GQ GMC-320 Plus Geiger Counter Nuclear Radiation Detector
LifeStraw Go Water Filter Bottle
BF UV5R Walkie Talkie 2Pcs Dual Band VHF/UHF 144-146/430-440MHz Long Range Two Way Radio
Relentless Improvement Iodine Sublime 12.5mg 200 – AU/INT
iRonsnow Solar Emergency NOAA Weather Radio Dynamo Hand Crank Self Powered AM FM WB Radios
Ultimate Survival Technologies, Emergency Food Rations
Augason Farms Lunch & Dinner Emergency Food Supply
NBC-101 Full Face Respirator Set (NBC-101 Full Face Respirator & N.B.C.F. Filter)

See more on (Radiation Emergency Gear Here)

Shelter – Have a bugout or retreat location sturdy shelter that can protect you from radiation and any falling debris or a safe house far away from major population centres that’s at a high risk of nuclear attack.

Transport – If you are deciding to leave our current location due to fallout or radiation concerns then you will need to consider many forms of transport. Just like at the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The highways will be jammed with cars. Nuclear weapons also create a large EMP which can damage car electronics preventing them to operate. Imagine one car in a standard day breaks down and creates massive traffic jams, now imagine at least 30% of cars break down. Make sure you have alternative routes to your destination. Have many other forms of transport such as a bike. Make sure you are fit enough if this is a part of your plan because you will end up walking for kilometres/miles at some point.

Strategies for surviving and recovering from a nuclear attack

If you are in an area that has been hit by a nuclear attack, there is no guarantee that you will make it out alive. However, there are certain strategies you can employ to increase your chances of survival. – Stay calm – Panic will only make the situation worse. Stay calm and think rationally.

Decontaminate – Remove your clothing once you are in a safe place to remove potential radioactive contaminants from your clothes and shower/wash with uncontaminated or safe water sources – If you are close enough to the blast to sustain serious burns find a first aid kit to treat the wounds.

Shelter in place – If you are close enough to the blast that you sustain radiation exposure, sheltering in place is the best strategy for survival.

Evacuate – If you are far enough from the blast that you don’t sustain any radiation exposure, you should evacuate the area as quickly as possible.

Stay away from radioactive materials – Do not touch or attempt to clean radioactive materials. – Be wary of wild animals – Wild animals will likely become radioactive. Avoid them if possible. Don’t attempt to bury the dead. The risk of contracting radiation-related diseases from the body is too high.

Don’t eat or drink anything exposed to radiation – Food and water sources will likely be contaminated with radiation. Eat only food that is sealed.

Check for rescue efforts – Once the area has been deemed safe, search and rescue efforts will begin. Unless you cannot trust the ruling authorities or forces because you are either being invaded by a hostile nation or are in an active war zone. and no help will come.

Your survival depends on where you are during the attack and how you respond.

The man who survived 2 nuclear explosions during WW2:
Tsutomu Yamaguchi (山口 彊) is a Japanese marine engineer and experienced survivor of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombings during World War II. Only Mr Tanaka has been accredited by the Japanese government of Japan as having survived both nuclear blasts.

Even if he was either the most fortunate or unfortunate person to survive an experience of 2 nuclear blasts and radiation burns he still lived up to 93 years old.

Yamaguchi did not hope that Japan should go and instigate a war. He continued his work with Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, but Japanese industry started to suffer heavily as resources became scarce, and tankers were sunk.

Throughout the war of attrition, he was so depressed about the nation that he was considering killing his family with an overdose of sleeping pills in case Japan lost.

Yamaguchi lived and worked in Nagasaki, but he moved to Hiroshima for a three-month business trip in the summer of 1945. On 6 August, he was planning to leave the city with two partners, Akira Iwanaga and Kuniyoshi Sato, and was en route to the train station when he understood he had failed to remember his hanko (identification) and got back to his work environment to get it. At 8:15 AM, he was strolling towards the docks when the American B-29 aircraft Enola Gay dropped the “little boy” nuclear bomb close to the focal point of the city, just 3 kilometres away. Yamaguchi saw the plane and two little parachutes before there was “a great flash in the sky, and I was blown over”. The blast cracked his eardrums, dazed him for a brief time, and left him with serious radiation burns over the left half of the top portion of his body. Subsequent to recuperating, he crept to a nearby shelter and, having rested, he set off on a mission to find his colleagues. They had likewise made due and together they went through the night in an air-strike cover prior to getting back to Nagasaki the accompanying day. In Nagasaki, he got treatment for his injuries and, notwithstanding being vigorously dressed, he detailed for work on 9 August.

At 11:00 AM on 9 August 1945, Yamaguchi was portraying the explosion in Hiroshima to his boss, Ironically, while he was being criticized by his boss as “crazy” after describing how one bomb had destroyed the city, then the Nagasaki bomb exploded when the American aircraft dropped the “Fat Man” nuclear bomb over the city. His work environment again put him 3 km from ground zero, yet this time he was safe from the explosion. In any case, he couldn’t replace his gauze and he experienced a high fever and constant retching for over a week.

In 1957, he was recognized as a hero of the Nagasaki bombing, but it was not until March 2009, that the Japanese government officially recognized his presence three days earlier in Hiroshima.

He passed away from cancer on 4 January 2010, at the age of 93. May he rest in peace and not witness any more nuclear explosions.

Basic Nuclear Weapons and Fallout Facts / Theory

A common myth is Nuclear War or WW3 is the end of humanity as we know it. Everyone will die. Fallout radiation from a nuclear conflict would harm the air and all pieces of the climate, it can create a nuclear ice age. It would kill everybody.

This is not the case, many can survive a nuclear conflict.
Over 2000 nuclear weapons have been detonated during the cold war and we are not in a nuclear winter yet nor did all humanity die from the fallout.

  • The United States – 1,032 nuclear tests – 1945 and 1992.
  • The Soviet Union – 715 nuclear tests – 1949 and 1990.
  • The UK – 45 nuclear tests – 1952 and 1991.
  • France – 210 nuclear tests – 1960 and 1996.
  • China – 45 nuclear tests – 1964 and 1996.
  • India – 1 nuclear test in 1974.

Here is an explanation of what happens during a nuclear explosion. At the point when an atomic weapon detonates close enough to the ground for its fireball to contact the ground, it shapes a hole. Great amounts of dust and earth from the pit of an enormous explosion are crushed into trillions of particles.

source: Nuclear War Survival Skills

These particles are tainted by radioactive molecules delivered by the nuclear explosion. A huge number of lots of the particles are blown up into a mushroom cloud, miles over the earth.

These radioactive particles then, at that point, drop out of the mushroom cloud, or out of the scattering haze of particles unceremoniously passed up the breezes consequently becoming fallout. Each debased molecule consistently emits undetectable radiation, similar to a minuscule X-ray machine while in the mushroom cloud, while dropping, and after having tumbled to earth. The falling radioactive particles are conveyed by the breezes like the sand and residue particles of a miles-thick dust storm cloud, except that they normally are blown at lower speeds and in numerous regions the particles are up until this point separated that no cloud is seen.

The biggest, heaviest fallout particles arrive at the ground in the first place, in areas near the explosion. Numerous more modest particles are conveyed by the breezes for tens to thousands of miles before tumbling to earth. At anybody place where fallout from an explosion is being stored on the ground in focuses sufficiently high to require the utilization of havens, testimony will be finished in scarcely any hours. The littlest fallout particles-those adequately minuscule to be breathed into an individual’s lungs-are imperceptible to the unaided eye. These little particles would fall so sluggishly from the four-mile or more noteworthy levels to which they would be infused by presently conveyed Soviet warheads that most would stay airborne for weeks to years before coming to the ground. By that time their extremely wide dispersal and radioactive decay would make them considerably less hazardous. Just where such small particles are expeditiously brought to earth by rainouts or snow-outs in dissipated “problem areas,” and later dried and quickly passed up the breezes, would these undetectable particles comprise a long haul what’s more, moderately minor post-assault risk?

The air in appropriately planned fallout shelters, even those without air channels, is free from radioactive particles and protected to inhale except in a couple of uncommon conditions. For every single living thing, the risk from fallout radiation decreases with time. The radioactive decay, as this decrease is called, is fast from the get-go, then, at that point, gets increasingly slow. The dose rate is how much radiation you got each hour.

The Graph below represents the velocity of the decay of radiation from fallout during the initial two days later the nuclear explosion that delivered it. R represents roentgen, an estimation unit frequently used to gauge exposure to gamma rays and X rays. Fallout meters called Geiger counters/dosimeters measure the dose got by recording the quantity of R. Fallout meters called study meters, or dose-rate meters, measure the dose rate by recording the quantity of R being gotten per hour at the hour of estimation. Notice that it takes multiple times as long for the dose rate to decay

source: Nuclear War Survival Skills

from 1000 roentgen each hour (1000 R/hr) to 10R/hr (48 hours) as to decay from 1000 Rj hr to 100R/hr(7 hours). (Just in high-fallout regions would the dose rate I hour after the explosion be just about as high as 1000 roentgen each hour.)

Assuming the dose rate I hour after an explosion is 1000 R hr, it would require around fourteen days for the dose rate to be decreased to I R/hr exclusively because of radioactive decay. Enduring impacts will decrease the dose rate further; for example, downpours can wash fallout particles from plants and houses to bring down positions on or nearer to the ground. Items would decrease the radiation dose from these low-lying particles. the figure above likewise delineates the way that at a normal place where a given sum of fallout from an explosion is stored later than I hour after the explosion, the most noteworthy dose rate and the all-out dose gotten at that area are not exactly at an area where a similar measure of fallout is saved I hour after the explosion.

The more extended fallout particles have been airborne prior to arriving at the ground, the less risky their radiation. In no less than two weeks after a nuclear assault, the occupants of most shelters could securely quit utilizing them or could work outside the shelters for an expanding number of hours every day. Exceptions would be in areas of extremely weighty fallout, for example, could happen downwind from significant targets went after with numerous weapons, particularly rockets and extremely huge urban communities.

To know when to come out securely, occupants either would require a solid fallout meter to quantify the changing radiation risks or should get data in light of estimations made close by with a solid instrument. The radiation dose that will kill an individual fluctuates impressively with various individuals. A dose of 450 R coming about because of exposure of the entire body to fallout radiation is frequently supposed to be the dose that will kill about a portion of the people getting it, albeit most studies demonstrate that it would take fairly less. Practically all people bound to expedient shelters after a nuclear assault would be under pressure and without clean environmental elements or antibiotics to battle diseases. Some moreover would need satisfactory water and food. Under these exceptional circumstances, maybe around 50% of the people who got an entire body dose of 350 R inside a couple of days would die.’

The human body can repair most radiation harm on the off chance that the day-to-day radiation doses are not excessively huge. An individual who is healthy and has not been exposed in the beyond two weeks to a complete radiation dose of something else than 100 R can get a dose of 6 R every day for at least two months without being crippled. Just a tiny part of Hiroshima and Nagasaki residents who endure radiation doses some of which were almost deadly have endured serious postponed impacts.

See the references below for more information on the source: Nuclear War Survival Skills for the link or purchase of the book.

Preparations you can make before a nuclear war

1. Shelter – Build or find a Bunker / Bomb shelter or Fallout Shelter

If there was ever a time when you needed to be prepared for a nuclear war, it is now. Nuclear war has the potential to cause devastating damage to the world and its population.

To survive a nuclear war, you need to have a plan. The best way to do this is to develop a bunker. A bunker is a secure place where you can live if the world falls into chaos during a nuclear war.

A bomb shelter is a secure place where you can hide from the effects of a nuclear explosion. To create a bomb shelter, you will need to gather supplies including food, water, and shelter. You will also need to find a safe location in which to build the shelter.

Once you have gathered your supplies, it is time to build the shelter. To do this, first, find a sturdy location in which to site the shelter. Next, dig a hole large enough to fit the entire shelter and cover it with earth or debris. Finally, seal the entrance of the shelter with concrete or other sturdy material.

If you are not in a financial position to build these shelters you can always find shelters available.
Look for large shopping centres with underground car parks which can act as a bomb shelters.
Large solid concrete structures or underground buildings, tunnels, caves or underground subways and train stations also can help protect against fallout. If your government and country are prepared then there would be public shelters to take cover and retreat all over populated areas. Definitely good to know where these are.

See the references below for maps of fallout shelter locations.

In spite of certain individuals’ thought processes, a fallout shelter isn’t equivalent to a bomb shelter. It isn’t intended to assist you with enduring the obliteration from a nuclear bomb.

Regardless of whether you had sufficient admonition to get to a bomb shelter, specialists by and large concur that a nuclear bomb would disintegrate everything inside 0.3 miles of Ground Zero.

All things considered, the motivation behind a fallout shelter is to shield you from the radioactive particles tumbling from the sky. By getting into a shelter rapidly, you can stay away from the deadly fallout levels following the impact.

Fallout shelters should be produced using thick layers of thick material. The more material you have among you and the fallout, the more security you will have. For this reason, numerous fallout shelters are underlying storm cellars or deserted mines: the layers of soil give normal assurance against fallout.

How well a shelter safeguard against fallout is estimated as a Protective Element (PF). Think about it like SPF yet for the fallout. In a shelter with a PF of 200, you would get 1/200th of the portion you would have gotten in the open.

If you cannot build or find a nearby fallout shelter then here are some other options.

Basement or Unfinished plumbing space of Your Home
Going into the basement is presumably your ideal decision on the off chance that a nuclear impact happens while you are home. As referenced previously, it is smarter to take sufficient shelter than risk high openness by trying to get to a superior fallout shelter found most of the way across town.

While basements alone don’t give a lot of shielding against fallout, there are straightforward things you can do to increase security — like building walls out of sandbags and staying behind them. The sandbag would ingest a portion of the fallout.

Tall Office Buildings
Since huge buildings are typically made with loads of cement and steel, they can give fantastic shielding against fallout. The basement is the most ideal decision, however an interior room can likewise give assurance. Other huge buildings, like shopping centers, can likewise give assurance.

Underground Parking Garages
Attempt to get to the least level and the most interior piece of the parking carport. One investigation discovered that the – 1 degree of parking garages had PFs ranging from 491 to 794. At the – 4 level, the security depended on 6,397.

Mines and Caves
Going 3 feet underground will give you an insurance element of 5,000. The real PF would almost certainly be less a direct result of open passageways, yet mines and caves actually give incredible security against fallout.

Nonetheless, the issue with relying on a mine or cavern as a fallout shelter is that it’s suspicious you’d have the option to get to them quickly enough. As referenced previously, it’s generally better to remain in a less-defensive shelter (like your basement) than risk openness trying to get to a cavern or mine. Be careful when exploring underground mines as they could be contaminated with hazardous chemicals and also have issues with lack of oxygen in decommissioned mines. Additionally, don’t be astonished in the event that others have a similar thought and it is packed with contaminated individuals.

Subway Tunnels
Since they are underground, subway tunnels can safeguard against fallout. They frequently have PFs more prominent than 100. The PF would be higher if not for ventilation and entranceways tracked down all through the framework.

You could increase assurance by going further into the subway framework, far away from doorways (and likewise further away from new individuals entering with contaminated clothing and skin). Assuming it wasn’t obliterated by EMP, having an electric lamp in your EDC would be helpful for getting you more profound into the tunnels.

Underground Tourist Attractions
Many spots have tunnels, caves, sepulchers, and other underground tourist attractions. These could give brilliant security against fallout, assuming you could make it there on schedule.

Abandoned Underground Locations in Cities
Search online for metropolitan exploring underground. You’ll find a few truly cool spots which could function as fallout shelters.

Dissimilar to touristy destinations, these underground attractions are less inclined to be packed in the consequence of a nuclear debacle. You could need to jump a wall or two to gain access, however, you could have the spot to yourself – consequently reducing contact with individuals canvassed in fallout.

2. Stock up on food and water

One of the most important things you can do in case of a nuclear war is to stock up on food and water. You never know when a nuclear war could happen, so it’s important to be prepared for anything.

Food is especially important during a nuclear war. You’ll need to be able to eat even if you can’t get to a store. Make sure you have plenty of canned foods, fruits, and vegetables, as well as dry goods like grains, pasta, and cereal. Stock up on bottled water too, in case the water sources are destroyed/contaminated.

Try to find shelter to store them too. Find a basement, underground tunnel, or bomb shelter. If there’s no shelter available, try to find an area that is well-structured and strong such as underground car parks

Remember: You’ll need food and water, shelter from the bombs, and enough supplies to last at least three months if the worst happens. Be prepared for anything!

3. Learn agriculture and farming

If a nuclear war were to happen, the first thing that would go down would be food supplies. Luckily, you can learn to farm and grow your own food in areas that will be affected by a nuclear attack.

A nuclear attack would cause widespread destruction and contamination. However, with proper planning and preparation, you can still survive by growing your own food.

First and foremost, you need to know which parts of the country will be affected by the attack. You can use resources like the NOAA map to see which parts of the country are most vulnerable to radiation.

Then, find an area that is classified as fallout-free by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). This means that the area has been cleared of any radioactive material after a nuclear explosion.

The next step is to prepare your garden for radiation protection. You will need to clear away any plants or trees that could act as a radiation shield for your garden. Next, build a strong fence around your garden to keep out animals and insects. Finally, cover your plants with dirt or plastic to protect them from radiation damage.

You will need to learn how to source your own off-grid water as your local/municipal water supply will be offline and down during this event for some time until contamination and infrastructure can be restored. It may take several months to restore this really crucial resource.

There is an entire article on (Off Grid Water Supply here) for more information.

4. Information Preparedness – Stay up to date with current Russia-Ukraine war escalations and also China Taiwan issues.
It’s important to keep up to date with the Russia / Ukraine war and NATO’s involvement to see when conventional war will escalate into the use of tactical nuclear weapons or when Russia’s conventional weapons stockpile runs low and start beginning to escalate into nuclear war when the war starts breaching outside Ukraine’s borders and goes into other parts of Europe and NATO territory.

Also, see the current (Russia / Ukraine Military deployments war map here)

Bookmark this website, subscribe and become a member of preppernews.online for up-to-date preparedness news. Information will help you plan and prepare for these types of events.

Locations with the highest risk of a nuclear attack

Nuclear attacks are a very real threat, but they are not equally likely in every part of the world. Certain cities may be more at risk of being targeted than others. Military bases are very likely to be attacked by a nuclear weapon during WW3 and are likely to be attacked first before any populated city.

Here are the top cities , locations, regions and countries you should be extra careful about living in if there is a chance of nuclear war.

Ukraine – Kyiv , Ukraine an active warzone due to the invasion of the Russian Federation (a nuclear power led by the dictator Vladamir Putin) from 24 FEB 2022. Its Russian military leaders is considering the use of tactical nuclear weapons and Ukraine does not have any security guarantees (currently SEP 22) nor under the US nuclear umbrella.

Washington DC – Washington DC is the capital of the United States, making it an obvious target for nuclear warfare.

Russia – Moscow – An obvious capital city target for nuclear retaliation in an event of a nuclear exchange if their Russian dictator decides to press the button.

China – Beijing – Another obvious target for nuclear retaliation in an event of a nuclear exchange if their Chinese dictator (Xi Jing Ping) decides to invade Taiwan and further escalate tensions into war.

North Korea – Pyongyang – Another obvious target for nuclear retaliation in an event of a nuclear exchange if they also decide to get involved in the chaos.

Tokyo – Tokyo is the most likely target for a nuclear attack, as it is a major population centre in a country that is often at odds with nuclear-armed nations.

New York City – New York City is a major financial centre and a prominent cultural hub. It is also located on the East Coast, which would make it an obvious target for a nuclear strike from Russia.

London – London is the capital of the United Kingdom, making it an obvious target for a nuclear strike by Russia.

San Francisco – San Francisco is the largest city in California, which is a state with a significant military presence.

Hawaii & Guam – Hawaii & Guam are island states and territories located in the Pacific Ocean, making it a likely target for a nuclear strike by North Korea or China due to the large US naval presence in the region. When WW3 starts and the USA gets involved then history can possibly repeats itself with a surprise nuclear attack on these regions by adversaries, similar to Pearl Harbour in WW2.

New Orleans – New Orleans is the largest city in Louisiana, another state with a significant military presence.

Florida – Miami is another East Coast city that could be hit by a nuclear strike.

Las Vegas – Las Vegas is the largest city in Nevada, which is home to several military bases.

I recommended you check if you are located close to a military base and also check to see how far you are from the city centre. See the references at the end of this article, take a look at the military bases map,(to check if you are located close to a military base), also check out the nuke map to see if your home/residence is within the blast radius and fallout path of a contain nuclear weapons if one is detonated in the city centre.

Nuke Map 100MT Simulated detonation in Ney York City

A Posidon UUV Torpedo 100MT Nuke Launched by the new Russian Belgorod Submarine, simulated on Nuke Map detonated on the coast of New York. This will not be detected by early warning missile radars nor be intercepted by any missile defence system. You will not have any time to get to your bunker if you aren’t already inside.
Estimated Fatalities are close to 8 Million people from the blast alone not including fallout radiation’s long-term effects on those who survive the initial blast.

Radiation radius (500 rem): 6.99 km (153 km²)
Fireball radius: 7.92 km (197 km²) – everything vaporized
Heavy blast damage radius (20 psi): 10.1 km (321 km²)
Moderate blast damage radius (5 psi): 21.2 km (1,420 km²)
Light blast damage radius (1 psi): 54.6 km (9,370 km²)
Thermal radiation radius (3rd-degree burns): 64.2 km (12,960 km²)

Theoretical fallout path but still highly dependent on wind speed and direction.

Prepare for the inevitable(Death), Prepare to meet the Creator

Whether there is a threat of nuclear war or not, the inevitable or absolutes in life are death and taxes. The rich can sometimes evade taxes but everyone can die. But now there is a higher probability of death, this is a topic you need to consider even if you are an atheist.

When you die, If you’re an Atheist and if you are right then when you die and become nothing, you don’t gain or lose anything.

When you die, If you’re an Atheist and when you’re learning that you’re wrong then you will lose far more than you could ever imagine. You lose your next life, lose eternal life, you lose the opportunity to see a far better world than this corrupt evil world. This is the best it’s going to get. You lose the opportunity to obtain free salvation. You lose the opportunity to enter the eternal Kingdom.

God is holy and just, every individual will either have their Sins paid for by the blood of his Son The Lord Jesus Christ or will be paying for their sin themselves in the lake of fire, for eternity.

Please don’t find yourself in a terrible situation after death, you may even live in a poor and terrible world now but at least you have the opportunity for a far better life and live in a far better world in the next.

John 3
3 Jesus answered and said to him, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.”

It’s your choice what happens to your soul, your consciousness and your spirit. Choose wisely

Your spirit belongs to God, He breathed life into Adam (the first Man our father), and we will die without Him(God).

Romans 6:23
23 For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Romans 5
19 For as by one man’s disobedience many were made sinners, so also by one Man’s obedience, many will be made righteous.

Romans 14
11 For it is written, As I live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God.
12 So then every one of us shall give an account of himself to God.

Luke 12

16 Then He spoke a parable to them, saying: “The ground of a certain rich man yielded plentifully. 

17 And he thought within himself, saying, ‘What shall I do since I have no room to store my crops?’ 18 So he said, ‘I will do this: I will pull down my barns and build greater, and there I will store all my crops and my goods. 

19 And I will say to my soul, “Soul, you have many goods laid up for many years; take your ease; eat, drink, and be merry.” ’ 

20 But God said to him, ‘Fool! This night your soul will be required of you; then whose will those things be which you have provided?’

21 “So is he who lays up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God.”

If you believe in religion, even Christian religion or other gods from different religions that will get you to heaven then the Holy Bible says otherwise, and you are lost. That won’t be good enough to pay for your own sin. Being a religious Christian or not, is not going to cleanse you from sin nor will it restore your relationship with the true Creator of this universe.

John 3
16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

17 For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.

18 “He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

John 14:6
Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.

Isaiah 53
3 He is despised and rejected by men, A Man of sorrows and acquainted with grief.
And we hid, as it were, our faces from Him; He was despised, and we did not esteem Him.

4 Surely He has borne our griefs And carried our sorrows, Yet we esteemed Him stricken,
Smitten by God, and afflicted.

5 But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; The chastisement for our peace was upon Him, And by His stripes, we are healed.

6 All we like sheep have gone astray; We have turned, everyone, to his own way;
And the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all.

This chapter and passage were written about 700BC (Before Christ) by the prophet Isaiah in the Old Testament. If you wondering and looking for which God is the true God then you will know more about him in the Holy Bible. There isn’t any other holy book or scripture that has the prophetic accuracy than the Holy Bible. Only the true God lives outside the realm of space and time while the false, some are carved out of wood and made by man.

If you have yet to believe:
Accept the Lord Jesus now so he will remember and accept you when you arrive in his great eternal kingdom.

Romans 10 

9 that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.

Check out Dandenong Gospel Hall for more Gospel messages if you are interested to know how to get to know God and His Son The Lord Jesus Christ to be your Lord and Saviour. Below is a good gospel playlist of videos.

Nuclear War(Interpreted) in the Holy Bible

There is even a prophesy being fulfilled as we speak in Ezekiel CH 38-39 regarding the future battle/war, just right after CH 37 (the valley of dry bones) which can be interpreted as the holocaust and the reformation of the state of Israel which happened in 1947 – 48 initiated by the UN after Israel was stateless for almost 2000 years, this has been fulfilled. Chapter 38 takes place after the long-awaited 2000-year reformation of the Israeli state which is the Gog and Magog invasion of Israel. This can be interpreted as a war involving nuclear weapons. Magog is interpreted as Scythians(Russia) by a few ancient historians such as Flavius Josephus (Roman) and other ancient historians from the time of Alexander the Great. The aftermath of the battle involved a 7-month clean-up by Israel due to contamination from the war and the leftover weapons from the forces of Gog and Magog being a source of fuel to power cities for 7 years(Obviously uranium from nuclear weapons). This type of aftermath and event is not mentioned in the Millenium kingdom and is different to the second Gog and Magog war near the end of the Millenium nor does this event take place in the tribulation period. Just imagine, this was written about 2500 years ago, this is more reason to prepare for such an event.

Everyone a.ka the majority keeps quoting and misinterpreting “Armageddon” but this is a different battle/war that happens in the tribulation period and is a battle between good and evil, A one world government led by the Anti-Christ and its army vs God. The attempt to once again, like Hitler, completely wipe out and destroy God’s people Israel.
While the difference is Gog and Magog invasion is an alliance of Gog, The land of Magog(Russia and its region), Meshech, and Tubal (Turkey area), Persia (Iran), Ethiopia, and Libya, Gomer (Big Questionmark- much speculation suggests Southern Ukraine all the way to East Germany) and all its troops; the house of Togarmah (Also ???). There are also hints of the use of nuclear weapons in the battle and a 7 month clean up of contamination and burial in the valley named Hammon Gog, where corpses of the soldiers from the Magog army are contaminated and need to be marked and 7 years of burning of weapons (interpreted as decommissioning / conversion to power plant fuel of leftover nukes which also in the Soviet Union have similar time frames).

This is another topic I would like to cover later, hopefully before it happens. In terms of Biblical prophesies and timelines, There are plenty of good Bible commentaries out there. You need to accept the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved first or you won’t have the Holy Spirit to guide you in interpreting the Holy Bible correctly.

Here is the best (In my Opinion) interpretation of this part of scripture I know of with only minor differences in my interpretation. This is an old video that is becoming more relevant in recent events.


Nuclear war is a very real and scary threat that has been on the rise in the past few years. It is important to know what to do in the event of a strike and to be prepared with a plan of action. Make sure you have the essentials in your emergency kit, such as water, food, and medication. You should also have a sturdy shelter built and be prepared to stay indoors. If you are ever in an area that has been hit by a nuclear attack, follow these tips to increase your chances of survival. It may not be easy, but it’s better than not knowing what to do at all.
Most importantly prepare for the inevitable, prepare to meet the creator. Get right with God now.

Check out the video links below which is also very informative regarding nuclear war.

References and links

Nuke Map

US Military Bases Map

CDCs guide to radiation emergencies

CDC – potassium iodine

Nuclear War Survival Skills – Cresson H. Kearny

European Nuclear Bunker locations

Canadian cold war fallout shelters

USA Fallout Shelters

USA Underground Mines


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Putin announces mobilization and threatens nuclear retaliation in escalation of Ukraine invasion

Sat Sep 24 , 2022
Vladimir Putin has declared a mobilization in Russia in a critical escalation that puts the nation’s people and economy on a wartime balance. The president likewise threatened nuclear attack, saying that Russia had “lots of weapons to answer” to what he called western dangers on Russian territory and added that […]