The Coronavirus from China (Also known as the CCP / Chinese communist party virus or Wuhan virus or COVID 19 Chinese Originated Virus in December 2019) changed the world as we know it. With the advent of global travel and increased contact with other cultures, deforestation and wet markets to an unethical gain of function research of deadly viruses it’s not surprising that we have seen an increase in pandemics. This blog post will explore some top pandemic preparedness tips to help you stay safe and informed in these uncertain times. From stocking your pantry and bathroom with essentials to getting vaccinated, read on to learn everything you need to know in order to be ready for anything.
Have a lockdown or evacuation survival plan (Bugout)
If you are thinking about being prepared for a pandemic, start by creating an emergency plan. Make sure you have important documentation such as insurance information, such as health insurance and important medical information in a safe place. This is important if someone gets sick you will have the necessary information to provide doctors if you do have to make a last resort trip to the hospital. If there is any way possible to stay healthy during a pandemic, do not neglect your health. Consider building an immune system either by taking extra vitamins or vaccination against the most common diseases. Stockpiling food and water, and seeking shelter if local authorities issue an order to lockdown. In addition to planning for the worst-case scenario, make sure you are up-to-date on the latest information about pandemics. Subscribe to email alerts from organizations like the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) or so that you can be aware of outbreaks as soon as they occur, Also check out this COVID-19 MAP to also monitor cases in your area and around the world. This will also give you the information to estimate when to leave before a lockdown is issued. Finally, remember to stay calm during a pandemic and take things one step at a time.
Sheltering in place (Bug In) is the more sensible choice as all your resources will be conveniently located at home. Always be prepared to evacuate (Bug Out) but only leave if there is a lesser chance of survival when staying. Such as if you are in live in an apartment building and unrest is growing and the risk of fire is great. If you decide to leave make sure you have a destination, such as family or friends unless you are forced to survive in the jungle and wilderness. Check out this article for wilderness survival.
Stock up on supplies
Planning for a pandemic is important, not only to protect yourself and your loved ones but also to stay economically viable in case of another serious outbreak. Stock up on supplies now to prepare for lockdown or in case you are required to quarantine.
Here are some tips for stockpiling:
-Have enough food and water for at least three weeks.
-Secure prescription medications and medical supplies.
-Create an emergency supply kit that includes flashlights, batteries, first aid items, and tools such as a screwdriver or jigsaw.
-Make sure to have copies of important documents such as wills and insurance policies.
-Cash reserves in case banks close or ATMs run out of money.
and don’t go crazy with toilet paper like many unprepared people at the start of the pandemic, sanitation is important but toilet paper is not the highest priority in survival.
Have pandemic-related supplies
Personal protective equipment and contamination containment / sanitation-related supplies
- P2 /N95 masks are good for reducing exposure to the coronavirus and also reducing the spreading of the virus.
These masks are not the same as the surgical blue masks everyone wears. Surgical masks only protect against larger particles, not microscopic virus-sized particles. - Have hand sanitiser to constantly kill any virus that you may touch.
- Anti-bacterial / alcohol wipes to wipe down any exposed objects such as phones
Other Emergency related supplies you might be interested in
Build strong immunity and good health
There are plenty of things you can do to prepare for a pandemic, but building strong immunity is one of the simplest and most effective ways to protect yourself and your loved ones.
Many preppers lack any physical fitness and work on their health. Stockpiling food and ammo will not contribute to your survival if you get exhausted walking up the stairs.
Build a strong and healthy body, health is one of your greatest preparation. If there is a global war and escalation with Russia and Ukraine (2022 Russian invasion) or any other catastrophe you will need to be fit and mobile.
If you get sick a healthy body will have a better immune system. Get good amount of sleep , rest and exercise, also, consider taking vitamins that build good immunity to respiratory illnesses such as Vitamin C, Vitamin D and Zinc. Do your own research and speak to your local health professional before taking any supplements.
Also, consider getting vaccinations to build immunity but do well thorough research and be very cautious. Many doctors are censored by many governments to hide vaccine side effects due to the unfair contract signed with unethical pharmaceutical companies that grant themselves legal immunity. See Top Australian doctor says she suffered COVID-19 vaccine side effects and government censorship
- Only talk to a trusted healthcare provider. This will be better if you know a doctor personally such as a friend. They can help you understand what treatments vitamins and vaccines are available and which are most appropriate for you based on your health history and current physical condition.
- Trust but verify.
Do your own research on the vaccines and many statistical information sources on percentages of adverse side effects.
You have to choose your own “poison”(This is a figure of speech and a joke, do not take poison).
You can decide to eventually deal with the coronavirus unvaccinated and without the aid of vaccine immunity or choose to get vaccinated and deal with potential side effects.
Your body your choice. - If you want to get vaccinated, do it as soon as possible after a vaccine becomes available in your area. This way, you’ll have the highest chance of immunity against the disease.
It is essential to stay vigilant about pandemics and other potential dangers that could impact our community. Here are a few tips to help you get ready for any possible pandemic:
1. Make sure you have an emergency kit – This should include items like food, water, first aid supplies, radio and battery-powered alert devices, and more.
2. Familiarize yourself with the symptoms of a pandemic – If there was ever a time to be informed about what to look for in terms of symptoms of a pandemic, now would be it!
3. Educate yourself about health-related information such as vitamins and vaccines.
Check out the article below.
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