
Membership Upgrade Levels and Sponsorship

Thank you for subscribing or considering subscribing.

You can further support PrepperNews.Online platform by becoming a member, sharing or contributing and posting content, you can also assist in financial support by donating or being a regular patron.

We don’t ask for money but you are welcome to support us of your free will.
We’re not rich so it would be nice to have some costs paid for maintaining and running this server and have funds for upgrades.
We’re not some type of large cooperation business in an office building, we’re more operating in the humble garage. Any support is greatly appreciated.

Feel free to cancel anytime, no lock-in contracts. (See terms and conditions)
Payments are processed by stripe.

We are also looking into setting up a patron site for paypal payments.

Level Price  
Member $1.00 per Week. Select
Author Lvl 1 Free. Select
Member Plus $45.00 per Year. Select
Premium Supporter $499.00 now and then $399.00 per Year. Select

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Here are the Access levels for different memberships, you must already be a member for higher level memberships:

Member($1 / week):

  • Create a basic account to comment.
  • Support the website heaps even with just $1 a week.
  • View advanced interactive maps: weather information and weather warnings
  • Access to member-only content.
  • Join the weekly newsletter email list (optional/removable).

Author lvl 1(FREE):

  • Have access to Submit Post feature and have your content featured on the Home page.
  • Your posts will be reviewed before being published.

Member Plus($49 /year):

  • Gain access to websites’ advanced data and information and other premium-only content.
  • Gain access to Covid-19 data map and Russia/Ukraine War Map.
  • Get your posts featured better on the front home page in the Supporters category.
  • Plus all member features

Author lvl 2(Free – Only through a promotion):

  • Have posts automatically published
  • Free premium supporter access
  • Access to video uploads

Premium Supporter($399 /year):

  • Support prepper news online and get more from our platform.
  • Have your own post category name for your posts and that category featured on the home page and also the categories menu.
  • Have your own category post featured in weekly newsletter emails to our subscribers.
  • Gain access to websites’ advanced data and information and other premium-only content.
  • Gain access to the Covid-19 data map and Russia/Ukraine War Map.
  • Get your posts featured better in the front home page on the Supporters category.
  • (optional) Display 1 photo advertisement on the bottom of the home page. Can update Advertisement 6 Months (photo/creative/link)

We are looking for sponsors to support and finance our operations and growth for this new platform.
If your advertisement is not relevant to general preparedness please contact us before purchasing.
E.g. battery and power generators products are relevant to preparedness while beauty or fashion products may not be relevant.

Sponsor ad 1 ($99 /Year) Limited 10+ Available:

  • Display 1 photo advertisement on the bottom of the home page. Can update Advertisement every 6 Months (photo/creative/link)

Sponsor ad 2 ($199 / Year ) Limited 6 available:

  • Display 1 video / photo advertisement on the middle of the home page. Can update Advertisement every 3 Months (photo/creative/link).

Sponsor ad 3 ($299 /Year) Limited 3 Available:

  • Have your own photo ad featured in the bottom of the weekly newsletter emails to majority subscribers and members. Can update Advertisement every 3 Months (photo/creative/link)

Sponsor ad 4 ($299 /Year) Limited 3 Available:

  • Display 1 photo advertisement on the entire website on the footer bottom of page. Can update Advertisement every 3 Month (photo/creative/link).

Sponsor ad 5($399 /Year) Limited 3 Available:

  • Display 1 photo advertisement on the entire website on the side bar. Can update Advertisement every 3 Months (photo/creative/link)

Sponsor ad 6 ($999 /Year) Limited 1 Available:

  • Display 1 photo advertisement on the entire website on top header page. Can update Advertisement every Month (photo/creative/link)