Russian nuclear submarine with six nuclear torpedoes Poseidon was mentioned absent from NATO radar screens according to news website “Bulgarian military” saying that the Twitter feed of @TpyxaNews quoting the Italian media “La Repubblica” obtained this information from a NATO source. Although this news source does not refer to the article. Doing some searching on the mentioned “La Repubblica” website, it appears that this may have been misinterpreted because a similar article on this topic mentioned in the “La Repubblica” that:
“Sfugge ai radar Usa. E’ capace di generare un’onda radioattiva che può cancellare metropoli come New York o Los Angeles”
“It escapes US radar. It is capable of generating a radioactive wave that can obliterate metropolises such as New York or Los Angeles”
It didn’t say that it had escaped NATO radars or other detection equipment such as Sonar etc, but it has the ability to escape radar.
But in reality radar has a lot of difficulty detecting submarines that is submerged deep underwater because radar reflects EMR (Electro-Magnetic Radiation) from objects and normally used to detect aircraft and sometimes ships and surfaced submarine. The EMR released which is used by Radar doesn’t travel very far underwater. Submarine detection uses many different technologies such as Sonar in combination and not just Radar alone.
The question is this: there are many mainstream news sources that suggest that the Belgorod submarine has left its port in its Arctic Base. But wheather this is fact or just roumours / chinese whispers going around because of the roumour initiated by the twitter user @TpyxaNews is another question.
Do you trust mainstream news. Most news follow the agenda and main narrative. We are preppers we go against the narrative and follow facts to prepare and forecast the terrible storm ahead. While many governments have an agenda to keep the population misinformed to their interest.